• 최종편집 2024-10-04(금)

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  • President Yoon Visits Czech Republic’s Doosan Škoda Power
    On the morning of September 20, President Yoon Suk Yeol, alongside Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, visited the Plzeň-based companies Doosan Škoda Power and Škoda JS. These firms are known for their core turbine technology and expertise in producing nuclear power plant equipment.    Upon arrival at Doosan Škoda Power, the two leaders participated in the "Nuclear Power Plant Full-Cycle Cooperation Agreement Ceremony." The event, attended by key nuclear-related companies, institutions, organizations from both nations, and Doosan Škoda Power employees, saw the signing of 13 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs). These agreements cover critical areas of the nuclear ecosystem, including plant design, operation, nuclear fuel, and waste management.    A key development during the ceremony was the agreement signed by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), the preferred bidder for the Czech nuclear power plant construction project, along with Doosan Enerbility and Doosan Škoda Power. The agreement stipulates that if KHNP finalizes the contract for the new Czech nuclear power plant in March next year, turbines produced by Doosan Škoda Power in Plzeň will be used in the plant. This marks the first step toward realizing the vision of a “jointly built nuclear power plant” by Korea and the Czech Republic.   In his subsequent remarks, President Yoon highlighted three key points regarding the partnership. First, he emphasized that "Team Korea" has over 50 years of experience in safely constructing and operating nuclear power plants, expressing confidence that Korea would be the ideal partner for the Czech Republic. He assured that Korea would deliver the project "on time and on budget."   Finally, President Yoon suggested that through nuclear cooperation, Korea and the Czech Republic could become leading players in the global nuclear renaissance. He called for the excellent nuclear power companies from both nations to unite in driving this shared future.    
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  • 9월 하반기 장학금 전달 - 138회
      리더스타임즈(글로벌리더스클럽)에서 클럽회원님들의 기사, 가치 봉사로 9월 하반기 138회 째 한달 생활비를 전달 하였습니다 위 사진은 봉사에 참가한 명단입니다   훤이(13세) 초등학교 6학년 빈민촌에 사는 훤이는 인물이 참좋은데, 잘 웃지않았거든요! 요즘은 웃기도하고 친구들과 잘 어울립니다. 영어를 공부하면서 장래 소망이 생겼답니다. 오늘 보내주신 생활비를 받고 엄청 행복해 합니다! 나중에 커서 빈민촌아이들을 위해 힘이 되어주고 싶다고 합니다...????   “Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey”
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  • ‘2024 모꼬지 대한민국’, 헝가리에서 한류 콘텐츠를 만나다
    [리더스타임즈] 문화체육관광부는 한국국제문화교류진흥원과 함께 10월 5일과 6일, 헝가리 부다페스트 파크에서 ‘2024 한류생활문화한마당 모꼬지 대한민국’을 개최한다. 올해는 더욱 다양한 협력 기관과 헝가리 현지 진출 기업, 한류 연관 소비재 기업 등이 참여해 한국의 혁신적 제품과 서비스, 다채로운 한류 콘텐츠를 선보일 예정이다. ‘모꼬지 대한민국’은 전 세계로 확산하고 있는 한류를 매개로 국가 간 상호 문화이해를 높이고 한류 팬의 관심 범위를 대중문화에서 생활문화로 확대하기 위해 2020년부터 시작됐다. 그동안 카자흐스탄, 미얀마, 필리핀 등 총 9개국의 한류 팬들을 찾아가 다양한 한국생활문화의 매력을 알리며, 대표적인 국제 한류 축제로 자리 잡았다. ◆ 10. 6. 케이팝 종합 콘서트 개최, 선미, 에이비식스, 드림캐쳐 출연 올해는 한류에 대한 관심이 높음에도 불구하고 대규모 케이팝 콘서트나 한류 행사가 상대적으로 드물었던 중유럽 문화중심지 헝가리를 찾아간다. 과거 헝가리에서 케이팝 그룹의 단독 콘서트가 간헐적으로 열린 적은 있으나 다수의 인기 케이팝 그룹이 한 무대에 서는 종합 콘서트가 개최되는 것은 이번이 처음이다. 10월 6일에 열리는 콘서트에는 케이팝 가수 선미, 에이비식스(AB6IX), 드림캐쳐(DREAMCATCHER)가 출연한다. 특히 콘서트와 더불어 한국과 헝가리 양국의 문화에 대해 서로 이해하고 소통할 수 있도록 케이팝 가수와 팬들이 함께 이야기를 나누는 시간도 진행한다. 지난 8월에 출연진을 공개한 이후 헝가리를 포함한 유럽 한류 팬들은 누리소통망에서 “정말 기대되는 출연진이다.”, “꼭 가고 싶다.” 등의 뜨거운 반응을 이어가고 있다. ◆ 7개 공공기관, 20여 개 기업 역대 최다 참여, 케이-컬처 전시와 체험 공간 마련 행사장에는 다양한 전시와 체험 공간도 마련한다. 한국문화 퀴즈쇼와 한식 요리쇼, 케이팝을 즐길 수 있는 ‘모꼬지 스테이지’, 케이 콘텐츠와 한식의 융합 전시, 한국의 미용(뷰티)·패션·드라마 등을 체험하는 ‘모꼬지 콘텐츠·라이프 존’, 다양한 전통 놀이를 즐길 수 있는 ‘플레이 그라운드 인 조선’ 등을 만나볼 수 있다. 아울러 7개의 주요 공공기관은 특색 있는 케이-컬처 프로그램을 준비했다.▴주헝가리 한국문화원은 전통음식 시연·체험과 케이-팝 체험행사를 진행하고 ▴한국관광공사는 한국 대표 관광지를 홍보한다. ▴세종학당재단은 한글 체험과 한식 시식을, ▴한국문화정보원은 전통문화 가상현실(VR) 체험을 선보인다. 국가유산진흥원과 국립박물관문화재단은 한국 전통 문화상품 등을 전시한다. 대한무역투자진흥공사는 우리 기업과 제품 홍보를 지원한다. 엘지(LG)전자, 기아자동차, 대한항공 등 현지에 주재하고 있는 대표적인 한국 기업들과 유럽 진출을 희망하는 한류 연관 소비재 기업 등 20여 개 업체는 자사의 혁신적 제품과 서비스를 선보일 예정이다. ‘2024 모꼬지 대한민국’의 행사에 대한 자세한 정보는 공식 누리집과 누리소통망에서 확인할 수 있다. 문체부 최보근 국제문화홍보정책실장은 “‘모꼬지 대한민국’은 그간 한류를 체험할 기회가 적었던 중유럽권에 한류 생활문화의 다양한 매력과 우수한 한국 제품을 널리 알리는 계기가 될 것”이라며 “이를 통해 전 세계인들이 한류 콘텐츠를 지속적으로 사랑하고 소비할 수 있기를 기대한다.”라고 밝혔다. '2024 모꼬지 대한민국' 출연진 포스터
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  • Chuseok Full Moon Festa with the Mission Center for Migrants
    other church communions, designed to celebrate the diverse cultures of migrants in Korea, and it was an experience that left a lasting impression. While most people in Korea spend time with their families, migrants, who may not have a familial community, are welcomed with open arms at this event. Upon arriving at the venue, I was immediately enveloped by a vibrant atmosphere. The event aimed to honor not just Chuseok, but the rich tapestry of cultures represented by the migrant community, including those from Vietnam, China, Bangladesh, and more. Food was the heart of our celebrations. Attendees brought traditional dishes from their home countries, transforming the event into a culinary journey. I had the joy of helping set up a long table filled with a delightful array of dishes. From Vietnamese pho to Chinese dumplings, Bangladeshi biryani, and more, the flavors and aromas created a feast for the senses. Sharing these foods allowed participants to showcase their heritage and sparked conversations about culinary traditions, enhancing the sense of community. One of the highlights of the day was the friendly competition that encouraged participants to display their cultures. Groups presented cultural performances, including traditional dances, music, and storytelling. Each presentation was met with cheers and applause, as attendees celebrated each other's contributions. This exchange of cultural experiences spread joy and fostered connections, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual respect. Throughout the event, I helped organize setting up the tables for food to be distributed as a volunteer. Furthermore, as fall and winter is approaching, a discount shop for fall and winter clothes was set up. I assisted by hanging up jackets, folding clothes, as well as translating and communicating with migrants who were looking to get new pieces. As the day wound down, I reflected on the powerful connections forged during the event. The smiles and laughter were a testament to the joy that comes from celebrating our differences while embracing common traditions. Chuseok took on a new dimension, transforming from a Korean family festival into a multicultural gathering that emphasized unity and understanding.It reinforced the significance of inclusivity and the beauty of diverse cultural expressions. As we shared food, stories, and joy, we not only celebrated the harvest but also the richness that each culture brings to our collective experience in Korea. It was a reminder that, together, we can create a welcoming community where everyone feels at home.
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  • 9월 상반기 장학금 전달 - 137회
      9월 상반기 137회 째 한달 생활비를 전달 하였습니다   밝아서 노래와 율동하는 것을 좋아합니다...커서 선생님이 되고싶은 꿈을 꾸는 아이입니다. “Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey”
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  • The 2024 "I Am Also an Independence Activist of Daegu" 1st Academy
       The 2024 "I Am Also an Independence Activist of Daegu" 1st Academy took place on September 7th at the Youth Dream Lab lecture room in Suseong-gu, Daegu. The event was hosted by the Independence Movement Spirit Succession Association (Representative Woo Dae-hyeon) and organized by Youth Dream Lab (CEO Lee Seung-hee), the Yeongho-nam Economic and Cultural Exchange Council (Chairman Lee Jin-ryeon), and the Global Leaders Club of Leaders Times (CEO Kim Won-hwon). The Academy session ran in two time slots: 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., with each session lasting approximately 2 to 2.5 hours. Approximately 40 elementary, middle, and high school students, along with college student volunteers from the Daegu area, participated in the Academy. The event was moderated by Announcer Jeong Yeong-ju, Director of Youth Dream Lab. Participants listened to a lecture delivered by Professor Jeong In-yeol of Daegu Catholic University, titled "Daegu's Independence Movement and Independence Activists Martyred and Imprisoned in Daegu Prison." Following the lecture, the students engaged in hands-on activities, including "Creating My Own Independence Fighter Cup." The Academy will continue its second session on September 21st, where students will visit the Gyeongbuk Independence Movement Memorial Hall in Andong. This session will offer various programs, such as a tour of the Independence Hall, an experience at Shinheung Military Academy, a historical quiz ("Golden Bell"), and a crafting event. These activities aim to deepen the students' understanding of the independence movement, particularly focusing on the contributions of Daegu and Gyeongbuk activists, both locally and abroad. The program is designed to foster historical awareness and honor the noble spirit of the patriotic ancestors. Woo Dae-hyeon, the representative of the Independence Movement Spirit Succession Association, and Lee Seung-hee, CEO of Youth Dream Lab, emphasized the purpose of the Academy, stating, "We organized this event to inspire students and young people in Daegu by highlighting the sacrifices and patriotism of independence activists. Our hope is that participants will inherit the spirit of their ancestors and live diligently."  
    • Global News
    • 글로벌리더스
  • Why is China Ending Foreign Adoptions Now?
      ] China’s decision to end its international adoption program has sparked concern among hundreds of American families with pending applications. Announced by Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning during a daily briefing, the policy now restricts intercountry adoptions except for cases involving blood relatives or stepchildren. This decision not only leaves many prospective adoptive families in limbo but also signals the culmination of trends that have been building over the past several years.   China’s international adoption program, once one of the largest in the world, has been winding down for some time. Over 82,000 children have been adopted from China by American families alone, a figure that makes China the leading source country for intercountry adoptions in the United States. However, changes in China’s political, demographic, and economic situation, coupled with the suspension of international adoptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to a sharp decline in the number of adoptions and now to the program’s cessation.   Previously, one of the driving forces behind China’s international adoption boom was its one-child policy, which led to many children–particularly girls–being put up for adoption, as parents in the Confucian society sought to ensure that their sole child was male. However, as China phased out its one-child policy and introduced measures to encourage higher birth rates, the flow of children into orphanages declined. The social stigma surrounding having more than one child has also lessened, contributing to fewer children being abandoned or placed in institutional care.   Moreover, the economic strides China has made in recent years mean that families are now better able to care for their children, and fewer children are being placed up for adoption overall. Adoption agencies have reported that the number of available children has steadily decreased, with fewer children requiring placement internationally.   The COVID-19 pandemic played a pivotal role in the decline of international adoptions. In 2020, China largely suspended the program, with only a small number of adoptions allowed to proceed for those who had already received travel authorization before the pandemic. The lengthy delays in processing adoptions further discouraged prospective families, some of whom had waited nearly a decade to complete their adoption.   As the pandemic waned, China briefly resumed adoptions for those with pre-existing travel approvals, but the numbers remained minimal. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, for example, only 16 visas were issued for adoptions from China, according to the U.S. State Department’s annual report. With this dwindling number of adoptions, China’s formal announcement effectively confirms the conclusion many had already seen coming.   The changing political landscape in China also plays a role in the decision. Under President Xi Jinping’s leadership, China has placed increasing emphasis on self-sufficiency, national strength, and social cohesion. The end of the adoption program aligns with this broader nationalist sentiment, suggesting that China now views international adoptions as less necessary or desirable.   The decision to end international adoptions has left hundreds of American families in limbo, with the U.S. State Department working to clarify how this new policy will affect pending cases. According to letters sent to adoption agencies, all pending adoptions have been canceled except, once again, those with already-issued travel authorizations. Families who have waited years for their adoption to be finalized now face an uncertain future.   The response from adoptive parents and adoptees has been mixed. While some mourn the end of an era, others see it as a necessary step toward ensuring that children are cared for within their country of origin. The Nanchang Project, a United-States based organization that helps Chinese adoptees reconnect with their biological families, stated that the program was already “on its way out” and expressed hope that the remaining children in China would receive the love and care they need domestically.   Other countries have also reexamined their international adoption policies in recent years. Denmark’s only overseas adoption agency announced it would wind down operations after concerns arose about fabricated documents, and Norway’s top regulatory body recommended halting overseas adoptions for two years while investigating procedural issues. These developments suggest a broader reevaluation of the ethics and necessity of intercountry adoptions.   As China continues to adjust to its new demographic realities–marked by declining birth rates and an aging population–the end of the international adoption program underscores a shift toward domestic solutions. The Chinese government’s emphasis on taking care of its own children within national borders, combined with a reduced need for international placements, reflects the country’s growing confidence in its ability to provide for its most vulnerable citizens.
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  • 74th Anniversary of Incheon Landing Operation: A New Vision for Peace and Unification
        The 74th anniversary of the Incheon Landing Operation will be commemorated from June 6 to 12 in Incheon, with an expanded focus beyond the historical significance of the landing itself. As part of the celebrations, the Ministry of Unification and Incheon Metropolitan City hosted the 2024 Unification Culture Event—Incheon Tonghanabom (통하나봄)—on September 7 in front of Incheon City Hall. Tonghanabom signifies "seeing a united future through unification."The event featured a diverse range of performances, exhibitions, and interactive activities aimed at engaging the public. A standout attraction was the "Wish for Unification through Clay Art," where participants shaped their visions of unification into symbolic clay creations. Other interactive experiences included workshops on North Korean society, hosted by the National Institute for Unification Education, as well as a collaborative mural painting space open to everyone.At the event's opening ceremony, the Minister of Unification, Kim Youngho, and the Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City, Yoo Jeongbok, expressed their commitment to fostering a spirit of unification grounded in freedom and peace. Minister Kim emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of freedom in the unification process, referencing President Yoon Suk Yeol's August 15 Unification Doctrine, which envisions a Korea united in freedom, peace, and prosperity."The freedom we enjoy today was possible because of the sacrifices and dedication of many people to protect it," Minister Kim said. He further underscored the need to "expand the freedom we enjoy across the Korean Peninsula by inheriting the noble spirit of freedom protection shown in the Incheon Landing Operation by our predecessors, the U.S. military, and the U.N. forces.”Mayor Yoo, in his congratulatory speech, reaffirmed Incheon’s role as an international peace city. "Incheon City will play a leading role in free, peaceful unification through various unification policies, projects for North Korean defectors, and projects to form a sense of civic unification," Yoo said.Chairman Kim Heejung, who leads the Overseas Council under the National Unification Council, emphasized the importance of private-sector initiatives in supporting these visions. "The 8.15 Doctrine reaffirms the identity of the Republic of Korea and outlines the path toward unification, rooted in freedom as specified in the Constitution," she stated, highlighting the need for grassroots movements to strengthen the nation's identity and commitment to peaceful unification.The diverse programs planned for the Incheon event aim to inspire both domestic and international participants to envision a unified Korea. The goal is to bridge the gap between the current reality of division and the aspirational future of a peaceful, unified Korean Peninsula.This year’s commemoration of the Incheon Landing Operation seeks not only to honor a pivotal moment in Korean history but also to foster a broader, forward-looking narrative. With its emphasis on peace, harmony, and unification, Incheon is positioning itself as a leading city for global festivals centered around these ideals. As Mayor Yoo remarked, "I hope this will be a place where we express our shared determination to achieve a free and democratic order—ultimately, the unification of Korea based on these principles."
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  • 리더스타임즈 진로진학탐방 - 연세대학교 스포츠응용산업학과
        Q. 연세대학교 스포츠응용산업학과는?   A. 연세대학교 스포츠응용산업학과는 1992년 사회체육학과라는 이름으로 신설되어, 스포츠레저학과라는 이름을 거쳐 현재의 스포츠응용산업학과가 되었습니다. 스포츠응용산업학과에서는 스포츠를 모든 계층, 성별, 연령의 사람들이 변화하는 시대에 맞추어 스포츠를 잘 향유할 수 있는 방법에 관해 배우고 고민합니다.   Q. 졸업후의진로는어떻게나뉘는편입니까?   A. 졸업 후 진로는 매우 다양합니다. 스포츠와 관련된 직종에 종사하기도 하고, 스포츠와 전혀 관련이 없는 직종에 종사하기도 합니다. 스포츠와 관련된 직종이라 함은, 스포츠 아나운서/스포츠 기자/ 스포츠 에이전트/재활치료사/각종 기구/구단 소속 등이 있으며 스포츠와 관련 없는 직종은 여느 다른 학과와 같이 다양한 기업으로의 취직, 로스쿨, cpa 등이 대부분입니다.   Q. 본교 스포츠응용산업학과만의 특별한 문화나 행사가 있습니까?   A. 스포츠응용산업학과는 체육교육학과와 함께 연세대학교 체육계열로 분류되어 수업을 제외한 거의 모든 학교 활동을 함께 합니다. 그렇기에 두 학과는 마치 하나의 학과인 것 마냥 아주 가깝습니다. 체육계열에는 학교 소속 운동부 학생들 또한 속해있는데, 총대면식/연고전 등의 행사들을 통해 직접 만나 친해질 수 있습니다. 연고전을 주관하는 체육부 또한 연세대학교 체육계열 소속의 부서인데, 해당 부서에 가입하게 되면 연고전을 기획 및 진행할 수 있습니다.   Q. 입학을위해준비해두면좋은것이있습니까? 본인만의입시팁을주자면?   A. 운동부가 아닌 일반학생들은 정시로 입학하는 경우가 대부분이기에, 수능 성적에 신경을 많이 쓰는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다. 수능이 85%, 실기가 15% 이기 때문입니다. 또한, 실기의 경우 여타 체대 입시와 달리 1종목만 응시하기에 본인이 좋아하고 잘하는 종목을 수험기간 동안 꾸준히 연습하면 큰 도움이 될 것이라 생각됩니다.   Q. 미래의후배들에게하고싶운말이있습니까?   A. 스포츠응용산업학과는 스포츠를 정말 좋아하거나 잘해야만 올 수 있는 학과가 아닙니다. 개인적으로는 스포츠에 대한 관심이 조금이라도 있으면 무리 없이 충분히 잘 적응할 수 있다 생각합니다. 꼭저희학교저희학과가아니더라도,본인이조금이라도관심이 가고좋아하는것을찾으면좋을 것같습니다.  
    • Global News
    • 진로진학탐방
  • 8월 하반기 장학금 전달 - 136회
        리더스타임즈(글로벌리더스클럽)에서 클럽회원님들의 기사, 가치 봉사로 8월 하반기 136회 째 한달 생활비를 전달 하였습니다 위 사진은 봉사에 참가한 명단입니다   •나롱 (13세)JPA국제학교 7학년엄마가 먼지역에 가서 일하셔서 여동생 둘과 함께 할머니집에서 살면서 자전거로 학교를 다닙니다.성능이 안좋은 자전거로 학교까지 왕복으로 다니는 길이 꽤 멀어서  안타까웠네요.나중에 미국에 가서 공부하고 싶다고 하는  나롱의 일상이 꿈꾸는대로 이루어지기를 바랍니다!!!완전 착하고 성실한 아이입니다.   “Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey”
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실시간 Global News 기사

  • President Yoon Visits Czech Republic’s Doosan Škoda Power
    On the morning of September 20, President Yoon Suk Yeol, alongside Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, visited the Plzeň-based companies Doosan Škoda Power and Škoda JS. These firms are known for their core turbine technology and expertise in producing nuclear power plant equipment.    Upon arrival at Doosan Škoda Power, the two leaders participated in the "Nuclear Power Plant Full-Cycle Cooperation Agreement Ceremony." The event, attended by key nuclear-related companies, institutions, organizations from both nations, and Doosan Škoda Power employees, saw the signing of 13 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs). These agreements cover critical areas of the nuclear ecosystem, including plant design, operation, nuclear fuel, and waste management.    A key development during the ceremony was the agreement signed by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), the preferred bidder for the Czech nuclear power plant construction project, along with Doosan Enerbility and Doosan Škoda Power. The agreement stipulates that if KHNP finalizes the contract for the new Czech nuclear power plant in March next year, turbines produced by Doosan Škoda Power in Plzeň will be used in the plant. This marks the first step toward realizing the vision of a “jointly built nuclear power plant” by Korea and the Czech Republic.   In his subsequent remarks, President Yoon highlighted three key points regarding the partnership. First, he emphasized that "Team Korea" has over 50 years of experience in safely constructing and operating nuclear power plants, expressing confidence that Korea would be the ideal partner for the Czech Republic. He assured that Korea would deliver the project "on time and on budget."   Finally, President Yoon suggested that through nuclear cooperation, Korea and the Czech Republic could become leading players in the global nuclear renaissance. He called for the excellent nuclear power companies from both nations to unite in driving this shared future.    
    • Global News
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  • 9월 하반기 장학금 전달 - 138회
      리더스타임즈(글로벌리더스클럽)에서 클럽회원님들의 기사, 가치 봉사로 9월 하반기 138회 째 한달 생활비를 전달 하였습니다 위 사진은 봉사에 참가한 명단입니다   훤이(13세) 초등학교 6학년 빈민촌에 사는 훤이는 인물이 참좋은데, 잘 웃지않았거든요! 요즘은 웃기도하고 친구들과 잘 어울립니다. 영어를 공부하면서 장래 소망이 생겼답니다. 오늘 보내주신 생활비를 받고 엄청 행복해 합니다! 나중에 커서 빈민촌아이들을 위해 힘이 되어주고 싶다고 합니다...????   “Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey”
    • Global News
    • 국제후원활동
  • ‘2024 모꼬지 대한민국’, 헝가리에서 한류 콘텐츠를 만나다
    [리더스타임즈] 문화체육관광부는 한국국제문화교류진흥원과 함께 10월 5일과 6일, 헝가리 부다페스트 파크에서 ‘2024 한류생활문화한마당 모꼬지 대한민국’을 개최한다. 올해는 더욱 다양한 협력 기관과 헝가리 현지 진출 기업, 한류 연관 소비재 기업 등이 참여해 한국의 혁신적 제품과 서비스, 다채로운 한류 콘텐츠를 선보일 예정이다. ‘모꼬지 대한민국’은 전 세계로 확산하고 있는 한류를 매개로 국가 간 상호 문화이해를 높이고 한류 팬의 관심 범위를 대중문화에서 생활문화로 확대하기 위해 2020년부터 시작됐다. 그동안 카자흐스탄, 미얀마, 필리핀 등 총 9개국의 한류 팬들을 찾아가 다양한 한국생활문화의 매력을 알리며, 대표적인 국제 한류 축제로 자리 잡았다. ◆ 10. 6. 케이팝 종합 콘서트 개최, 선미, 에이비식스, 드림캐쳐 출연 올해는 한류에 대한 관심이 높음에도 불구하고 대규모 케이팝 콘서트나 한류 행사가 상대적으로 드물었던 중유럽 문화중심지 헝가리를 찾아간다. 과거 헝가리에서 케이팝 그룹의 단독 콘서트가 간헐적으로 열린 적은 있으나 다수의 인기 케이팝 그룹이 한 무대에 서는 종합 콘서트가 개최되는 것은 이번이 처음이다. 10월 6일에 열리는 콘서트에는 케이팝 가수 선미, 에이비식스(AB6IX), 드림캐쳐(DREAMCATCHER)가 출연한다. 특히 콘서트와 더불어 한국과 헝가리 양국의 문화에 대해 서로 이해하고 소통할 수 있도록 케이팝 가수와 팬들이 함께 이야기를 나누는 시간도 진행한다. 지난 8월에 출연진을 공개한 이후 헝가리를 포함한 유럽 한류 팬들은 누리소통망에서 “정말 기대되는 출연진이다.”, “꼭 가고 싶다.” 등의 뜨거운 반응을 이어가고 있다. ◆ 7개 공공기관, 20여 개 기업 역대 최다 참여, 케이-컬처 전시와 체험 공간 마련 행사장에는 다양한 전시와 체험 공간도 마련한다. 한국문화 퀴즈쇼와 한식 요리쇼, 케이팝을 즐길 수 있는 ‘모꼬지 스테이지’, 케이 콘텐츠와 한식의 융합 전시, 한국의 미용(뷰티)·패션·드라마 등을 체험하는 ‘모꼬지 콘텐츠·라이프 존’, 다양한 전통 놀이를 즐길 수 있는 ‘플레이 그라운드 인 조선’ 등을 만나볼 수 있다. 아울러 7개의 주요 공공기관은 특색 있는 케이-컬처 프로그램을 준비했다.▴주헝가리 한국문화원은 전통음식 시연·체험과 케이-팝 체험행사를 진행하고 ▴한국관광공사는 한국 대표 관광지를 홍보한다. ▴세종학당재단은 한글 체험과 한식 시식을, ▴한국문화정보원은 전통문화 가상현실(VR) 체험을 선보인다. 국가유산진흥원과 국립박물관문화재단은 한국 전통 문화상품 등을 전시한다. 대한무역투자진흥공사는 우리 기업과 제품 홍보를 지원한다. 엘지(LG)전자, 기아자동차, 대한항공 등 현지에 주재하고 있는 대표적인 한국 기업들과 유럽 진출을 희망하는 한류 연관 소비재 기업 등 20여 개 업체는 자사의 혁신적 제품과 서비스를 선보일 예정이다. ‘2024 모꼬지 대한민국’의 행사에 대한 자세한 정보는 공식 누리집과 누리소통망에서 확인할 수 있다. 문체부 최보근 국제문화홍보정책실장은 “‘모꼬지 대한민국’은 그간 한류를 체험할 기회가 적었던 중유럽권에 한류 생활문화의 다양한 매력과 우수한 한국 제품을 널리 알리는 계기가 될 것”이라며 “이를 통해 전 세계인들이 한류 콘텐츠를 지속적으로 사랑하고 소비할 수 있기를 기대한다.”라고 밝혔다. '2024 모꼬지 대한민국' 출연진 포스터
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    • 지구촌
  • Chuseok Full Moon Festa with the Mission Center for Migrants
    other church communions, designed to celebrate the diverse cultures of migrants in Korea, and it was an experience that left a lasting impression. While most people in Korea spend time with their families, migrants, who may not have a familial community, are welcomed with open arms at this event. Upon arriving at the venue, I was immediately enveloped by a vibrant atmosphere. The event aimed to honor not just Chuseok, but the rich tapestry of cultures represented by the migrant community, including those from Vietnam, China, Bangladesh, and more. Food was the heart of our celebrations. Attendees brought traditional dishes from their home countries, transforming the event into a culinary journey. I had the joy of helping set up a long table filled with a delightful array of dishes. From Vietnamese pho to Chinese dumplings, Bangladeshi biryani, and more, the flavors and aromas created a feast for the senses. Sharing these foods allowed participants to showcase their heritage and sparked conversations about culinary traditions, enhancing the sense of community. One of the highlights of the day was the friendly competition that encouraged participants to display their cultures. Groups presented cultural performances, including traditional dances, music, and storytelling. Each presentation was met with cheers and applause, as attendees celebrated each other's contributions. This exchange of cultural experiences spread joy and fostered connections, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual respect. Throughout the event, I helped organize setting up the tables for food to be distributed as a volunteer. Furthermore, as fall and winter is approaching, a discount shop for fall and winter clothes was set up. I assisted by hanging up jackets, folding clothes, as well as translating and communicating with migrants who were looking to get new pieces. As the day wound down, I reflected on the powerful connections forged during the event. The smiles and laughter were a testament to the joy that comes from celebrating our differences while embracing common traditions. Chuseok took on a new dimension, transforming from a Korean family festival into a multicultural gathering that emphasized unity and understanding.It reinforced the significance of inclusivity and the beauty of diverse cultural expressions. As we shared food, stories, and joy, we not only celebrated the harvest but also the richness that each culture brings to our collective experience in Korea. It was a reminder that, together, we can create a welcoming community where everyone feels at home.
    • Global News
    • 영어뉴스
  • 9월 상반기 장학금 전달 - 137회
      9월 상반기 137회 째 한달 생활비를 전달 하였습니다   밝아서 노래와 율동하는 것을 좋아합니다...커서 선생님이 되고싶은 꿈을 꾸는 아이입니다. “Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey”
    • Global News
    • 국제후원활동
  • The 2024 "I Am Also an Independence Activist of Daegu" 1st Academy
       The 2024 "I Am Also an Independence Activist of Daegu" 1st Academy took place on September 7th at the Youth Dream Lab lecture room in Suseong-gu, Daegu. The event was hosted by the Independence Movement Spirit Succession Association (Representative Woo Dae-hyeon) and organized by Youth Dream Lab (CEO Lee Seung-hee), the Yeongho-nam Economic and Cultural Exchange Council (Chairman Lee Jin-ryeon), and the Global Leaders Club of Leaders Times (CEO Kim Won-hwon). The Academy session ran in two time slots: 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., with each session lasting approximately 2 to 2.5 hours. Approximately 40 elementary, middle, and high school students, along with college student volunteers from the Daegu area, participated in the Academy. The event was moderated by Announcer Jeong Yeong-ju, Director of Youth Dream Lab. Participants listened to a lecture delivered by Professor Jeong In-yeol of Daegu Catholic University, titled "Daegu's Independence Movement and Independence Activists Martyred and Imprisoned in Daegu Prison." Following the lecture, the students engaged in hands-on activities, including "Creating My Own Independence Fighter Cup." The Academy will continue its second session on September 21st, where students will visit the Gyeongbuk Independence Movement Memorial Hall in Andong. This session will offer various programs, such as a tour of the Independence Hall, an experience at Shinheung Military Academy, a historical quiz ("Golden Bell"), and a crafting event. These activities aim to deepen the students' understanding of the independence movement, particularly focusing on the contributions of Daegu and Gyeongbuk activists, both locally and abroad. The program is designed to foster historical awareness and honor the noble spirit of the patriotic ancestors. Woo Dae-hyeon, the representative of the Independence Movement Spirit Succession Association, and Lee Seung-hee, CEO of Youth Dream Lab, emphasized the purpose of the Academy, stating, "We organized this event to inspire students and young people in Daegu by highlighting the sacrifices and patriotism of independence activists. Our hope is that participants will inherit the spirit of their ancestors and live diligently."  
    • Global News
    • 글로벌리더스
  • Why is China Ending Foreign Adoptions Now?
      ] China’s decision to end its international adoption program has sparked concern among hundreds of American families with pending applications. Announced by Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning during a daily briefing, the policy now restricts intercountry adoptions except for cases involving blood relatives or stepchildren. This decision not only leaves many prospective adoptive families in limbo but also signals the culmination of trends that have been building over the past several years.   China’s international adoption program, once one of the largest in the world, has been winding down for some time. Over 82,000 children have been adopted from China by American families alone, a figure that makes China the leading source country for intercountry adoptions in the United States. However, changes in China’s political, demographic, and economic situation, coupled with the suspension of international adoptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to a sharp decline in the number of adoptions and now to the program’s cessation.   Previously, one of the driving forces behind China’s international adoption boom was its one-child policy, which led to many children–particularly girls–being put up for adoption, as parents in the Confucian society sought to ensure that their sole child was male. However, as China phased out its one-child policy and introduced measures to encourage higher birth rates, the flow of children into orphanages declined. The social stigma surrounding having more than one child has also lessened, contributing to fewer children being abandoned or placed in institutional care.   Moreover, the economic strides China has made in recent years mean that families are now better able to care for their children, and fewer children are being placed up for adoption overall. Adoption agencies have reported that the number of available children has steadily decreased, with fewer children requiring placement internationally.   The COVID-19 pandemic played a pivotal role in the decline of international adoptions. In 2020, China largely suspended the program, with only a small number of adoptions allowed to proceed for those who had already received travel authorization before the pandemic. The lengthy delays in processing adoptions further discouraged prospective families, some of whom had waited nearly a decade to complete their adoption.   As the pandemic waned, China briefly resumed adoptions for those with pre-existing travel approvals, but the numbers remained minimal. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, for example, only 16 visas were issued for adoptions from China, according to the U.S. State Department’s annual report. With this dwindling number of adoptions, China’s formal announcement effectively confirms the conclusion many had already seen coming.   The changing political landscape in China also plays a role in the decision. Under President Xi Jinping’s leadership, China has placed increasing emphasis on self-sufficiency, national strength, and social cohesion. The end of the adoption program aligns with this broader nationalist sentiment, suggesting that China now views international adoptions as less necessary or desirable.   The decision to end international adoptions has left hundreds of American families in limbo, with the U.S. State Department working to clarify how this new policy will affect pending cases. According to letters sent to adoption agencies, all pending adoptions have been canceled except, once again, those with already-issued travel authorizations. Families who have waited years for their adoption to be finalized now face an uncertain future.   The response from adoptive parents and adoptees has been mixed. While some mourn the end of an era, others see it as a necessary step toward ensuring that children are cared for within their country of origin. The Nanchang Project, a United-States based organization that helps Chinese adoptees reconnect with their biological families, stated that the program was already “on its way out” and expressed hope that the remaining children in China would receive the love and care they need domestically.   Other countries have also reexamined their international adoption policies in recent years. Denmark’s only overseas adoption agency announced it would wind down operations after concerns arose about fabricated documents, and Norway’s top regulatory body recommended halting overseas adoptions for two years while investigating procedural issues. These developments suggest a broader reevaluation of the ethics and necessity of intercountry adoptions.   As China continues to adjust to its new demographic realities–marked by declining birth rates and an aging population–the end of the international adoption program underscores a shift toward domestic solutions. The Chinese government’s emphasis on taking care of its own children within national borders, combined with a reduced need for international placements, reflects the country’s growing confidence in its ability to provide for its most vulnerable citizens.
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  • Achieve the goal of unification: 2024 Incheon Tonghanabom Ceremony
      The 2024 Incheon Tonghanabom Ceremony marks a significant event of reflection and celebration as South Korea continues its proactive journey toward peaceful reunification. While traditionally centered around commemorating the historic Incheon Landing Operation, this year's event has expanded to embrace the future with a renewed focus on unity, peace, and the long-awaited goal of uniting the Korean Peninsula.   In collaboration with the Ministry of Unification and Incheon Metropolitan City, the 2024 Tonghanabom event was held on September 7th right on the lawn of the Incheon City Hall, signifying its importance to both the Korean people and government. The ceremony featured a vibrant mix of cultural performances, educational displays, and activities (workshops and booths scattered across the plaza provided attendees with hands-on experiences related to North and South Korea) as well as speeches delivered by dignitaries.   Opening the ceremony, Minister of Unification, Kim Yung-ho, and Mayor of Incheon, Yoo Jeong-bok, delivered powerful speeches emphasizing the need to turn dreams of reunification into actionable reality. Minister Kim underscored the event’s significance in building momentum for a unified Korea, highlighting the importance of empathy and collaboration. “Unification is not just about tearing down the physical barriers that divide us, but also about bridging the emotional and social divides between North and South Koreans,” he said. “The first step toward free unification begins with us clearly recognizing the value of freedom and having a solid capacity to protect it.”   Furthermore, Mayor Yoo spoke to Incheon’s historic role as a city of both conflict and reconciliation. “Incheon will play a leading role in free and peaceful unification through various unification policies, projects for North Korean defectors, and projects to build citizens’ sympathy for unification. This city will continue to lead in creating the frameworks for peace and understanding on the Peninsula.”   Echoing the remarks of Minister Kim and Major Yoo, Kim Hee-jung–chairman of the Overseas Council of the National Unification Council–focused her speech on the “8.15 Unification Doctrine” by President Yoon and educating future generations on the topic of unification. “The 8.15 Unification Doctrine clearly clarifies the identity of the Republic of Korea and the direction of unification, which is free unification as specified in the Constitution,” she states, “and we will strive to spread national unification records centered on 17 cities and provinces, as an attempt to provide hands-on experiential education for the future generations.”   The 2024 Tonghanabom Ceremony serves as a reminder that unification is not a distant, unattainable goal, but one that can be realized through the collective efforts of both the public and private sectors. Civic engagement, international support, and a commitment to shared ideals are crucial steps in moving toward a peaceful and united Korean Peninsula. Incheon's aim to become a leader in peace and unification efforts for Korea and on the global stage is only growing stronger. With an expanding portfolio of events, policies, and initiatives, the city is becoming a beacon of hope for the dream of a unified Korea.
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  • United States Election: Who Is Ahead in the Polls?
        As America approaches the 2024 presidential election, the political landscape has undergone a significant transformation. Initially, the race appeared to be a rematch between the same two contenders from the 2020 election: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. However, in a surprising turn of events, President Biden withdrew from the race in July 2024 after a poor debate performance raised doubts about his ability to carry the Democratic ticket. Consequently, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democratic candidate, creating an entirely new dynamic for the upcoming election.   Kamala Harris, Biden’s vice president and now the Democratic nominee, has a limited window to define herself to the American electorate. Though she had struggled during her brief 2020 presidential bid, Harris now has the opportunity to build on her national presence. At 59, she is more than two decades younger than Biden and 18 years younger than Trump, giving her a potential advantage in appealing to voters looking for new, younger leadership. Her background as a prosecutor and litigator may also give her an edge in debating Trump, particularly as she faces him in high-stakes televised debates.   Yet Harris faces significant challenges. As a key figure in Biden’s administration, she inherits both the successes and criticisms of his presidency. High inflation, economic turbulence, and international turmoil are issues Republicans will seek to pin on her campaign, just as they did with Biden. However, Harris may have an opportunity to differentiate herself from her predecessor by articulating a more ambitious domestic policy agenda and addressing key issues like immigration and the economy head-on.   On the other side, Donald Trump remains a formidable figure among the Republicans, running once again despite his highly controversial record. His previous term as president ended amid chaos, with supporters of his campaign storming the U.S. Capitol in an effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Trump now faces multiple criminal charges related to his alleged involvement in this effort, as well as other legal troubles stemming from his political and business activities.   Despite this, Trump’s core base of support has remained loyal, and he has won the Republican nomination for a third time. His campaign strategy is centered on familiar themes such as building a border wall and fighting so-called “left-wing gender insanity.” But Trump has also incorporated fresh grievances, targeting the legal system and the prosecutors involved in his criminal cases.   Trump’s 2024 campaign took an unexpected turn in July when he was the target of an assassination attempt during a rally in Pennsylvania. While the former president was only grazed by a bullet, a bystander was tragically killed. For a brief moment, Trump adopted a more restrained and unifying tone, urging a cooling of political tensions. However, he quickly reverted to his divisive rhetoric, attacking his political opponents in subsequent speeches.   Polling data shows a close race between Harris and Trump as Election Day approaches. Harris currently leads Trump in national polls by a narrow margin, with 48% to Trump’s 45%, but these numbers can easily fluctuate as voters begin to pay closer attention to the candidates. The two will go head-to-head in upcoming debates, starting with a second presidential debate on September 10th, which will be a critical moment for both campaigns.   The race will be shaped by a variety of pressing issues. Economic concerns such as inflation and job creation remain central to voters, while immigration, climate change, and social policies concerning the Russia-Ukraine and Israeli–Palestinian conflicts also loom large. Trump continues to focus on culture-war topics, hoping to galvanize his base with rhetoric about the southern border and law enforcement. Meanwhile, Harris will need to lay out a vision that can unite both progressive and moderate factions within the Democratic Party while addressing the concerns of undecided voters.   The 2024 election is shaping up to be one of the most intense and consequential races in modern American history. With Biden stepping down and Harris stepping up, the political landscape has shifted, creating new challenges and opportunities for both major parties. Trump remains a polarizing figure, but his influence over the Republican base cannot be denied. Harris, on the other hand, will need to quickly establish herself as a credible alternative to Trump and navigate the complexities of leading the Democratic Party through a tumultuous election season.   As the race progresses, voters will be looking for strong leadership, clear policy proposals, and a candidate capable of addressing not only the nation's pressing challenges but also the conflicts around the world.  
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  • South Korea Secures Graphite Supply Through $40 Million Investment in Tanzanian Mine
      The Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy recently unveiled its strategy to secure critical minerals, aiming to reduce dependence on specific countries. Since February 2023, the ministry has been collaborating with companies to strengthen the graphite supply chain, a key component in this strategy.    As a result of these efforts, POSCO International signed an investment agreement worth $40 million with Australia's Black Rock Mining (BRM), the owner of the Mahenge mine in Tanzania, Africa. The agreement was finalized on September 3 at the Korea-Australia Economic Cooperation Committee meeting held at the Crown Towers in Perth, Australia. The investment in developing the Mahenge graphite mine will secure a graphite supply chain sufficient for 1.26 million electric vehicles annually.    This agreement will pave the way for the full development of the Mahenge mine, which is the second-largest graphite reserve in the world with 6 million tons of graphite. POSCO Group aims to secure up to 60,000 tons of natural graphite annually, starting with 30,000 tons per year from 2026, with an additional 30,000 tons per year from 2028. This supply will be sufficient for 1.26 million electric vehicles each year.   In 2023, South Korea imported approximately 50,000 tons of natural graphite, such as flake graphite used in anode materials, with 97% of that supply coming from China. This new contract is expected to significantly diversify South Korea's graphite supply chain, reducing the risks associated with overreliance on a single country.    Jung In-kyo, Head of Trade Negotiations, emphasized that "this investment agreement symbolizes the strong economic cooperation between Korea and Australia. It provides a new opportunity to stabilize the supply chain for graphite, one of the critical minerals with the highest import dependency, and to overcome various constraints within the supply chain. The government will continue to support companies not only through tax and financial assistance but also through proactive resource diplomacy to reduce risks and enhance outcomes."    This agreement marks a significant step in South Korea's efforts to secure a stable supply of critical minerals, essential for the country's growing electric vehicle industry.
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