• 최종편집 2025-02-12(수)




I contributed to donating aid to single parent Korean Filipino households since 2021. Starting off as a journalist for Leaderstimes, I got in touch with the Philippines coordinator Mr. Kong to help create the NGO with Global Leaders Club. As our organization funded the education for Filipino children throughout the years, I decided to visit two of the families supported by Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey in Silang, Philippines.


Silang, situated an hour away from Metro Manila, unfolded as a testament to the socio-economic disparities prevailing in the country, as the families supported by the nonprofit organization resided in homes with bare minimum support.


Despite the challenges posed by their living conditions, Jisoo and Jinju, two remarkable individuals aged 10 and 16, opened their homes and hearts to me. What stood out amidst these challenging circumstances was the extraordinary passion for education exhibited by Jisoo and Jinju. Jisoo, at the age of 10, harbors dreams of becoming a medical doctor, with a fervent interest in science. As she delves into the intricacies of biology, exploring different organs, her aspiration to contribute to the medical field shines brightly. On the other hand, 16-year-old Jinju found a love for accounting and business, looking to start her own business one day to support her family.


These dreams, woven with determination and resilience, are particularly remarkable given their humble beginnings. The undying enthusiasm for education and clear career goals set Jisoo and Jinju apart. Our culture exchange trip, sharing Korean culture through gifting folktale books and a traditional Korean board game Yut-nori, hoped to encourage the young scholars to embrace both their Korean and Filipina identities while pursuing their educational goals. I have no doubt that the girls will find success as long as they maintain their persistence and patience.


I realized how much potential there is in every child through conversations with the families during the trip. Providing scholarships and support for education, I was honored to be able to provide the chance for economically disadvantaged to shine. With Leaderstimes and Global Leaders Club, I seek to continue my multicultural, philanthropy and expand Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey to more households in need. As we’ve already expanded into Cambodia, I hope Global Leaders Club members will join in our support for the underprivileged.


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비밀번호 :
Cofounding Angel for Kor-Fils’s Journey with Leaderstimes,
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