[Leaders Times] Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS)
∨ Invasive infection by Group A strep bacteria can cause STSS when they spread into the body.
∨ According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the mortality rate for STSS is around 30~70%.
∨ Recommend medical care to high-risk groups (adults 65 years old or older, diabetic patients, etc.) if they have possible symptoms, such as fever, rash, hypotension, etc.
∨ Infection prevention (washing hands and cough etiquette) is essential.
ㆍ High-risk groups:
- Adults 65 years old or older
- Diabetic patient
- Case that injury caused by recent surgery
- Viral infection, which can occur in exposed wounds (Varicella)
- Alcoholism
ㆍPossible symptoms:
- High fever and Rash
- Hypotension (Low blood pressure)
- Tachypnea (Rapid breathing) and Dyspnea (Shortness of breath)
- Muscle aches
- Surgical site infections
- Edema
Symptoms, route of infections, and treatments
ㆍSign and symptoms:
- Early signs and symptoms: mild symptoms, such as sore throat, like influenza (flu) in the early
- STSS can develop into high fever, rash, Hypotension, Dyspnea, Necrotizing fasciitis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
· Route of infection:
- Infection through mucous membrane and the part of wound
- Coughs and sneezes (respiratory droplets) spread viral infection.
· Treatment and vaccine:
- There are no vaccines for STSS
- Quick treatment at a medical facility is necessary when possible symptoms* come out
* High fever, Rash, Hypotension, Muscle aches, Surgical site infections, Edema, etc.
Prevent STSS
· Practice cough etiquette
· Wash hands often
· Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
· Clean and cover wounds with a clean bandage
· See a doctor when possible symptoms occur
* (Suspicious symptoms) High fever, Rash, Hypotension, Muscle aches, Surgical site infections, Edema, etc.
· Recommendation of vaccination for Varicella and Influenza
* Risk infections of Group A strep bacteria can increase because of infection of Varicella and Influenza
※ Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) is not defined as a legal infectious disease in Korea, but a medical facility operates sentinel surveillance through △ Epidemiological surveillance for patients with scarlet fever and △ Monitors acute respiratory infections (AirNet)!